L. R. G. Carter



U.F.OH-NO! page four.
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Page 4

Panel 1

The alien takes them to the bridge of the spaceship, where they find in the captain’s chair the architect of their misery.

Betty: Museum Director Gleeblebloz?!

Panel 2

Betty looms over the museum director, shoving the gun right in their face.

Betty: It was you who destroyed my life?

Gleeblebloz: It’s not my fault! The Galactic Spacecraft Museum has seen years of budget cuts and falling visitor numbers.

Panel 3

Museum Director Gleeblebloz stares into the distance as they explain their tale of woe.

Gleeblebloz: Used to be we drew people in from across the cosmos, but then the Inter-Planetary Parliament declared abduction illegal.

Turns out the chance to track down your abductors was one of our unique selling points.

How our marketing department hadn’t picked up on that, I’ll never know.

(between panels, Zeeta plays on the smallest of violins. It’s so small it may be difficult to make out, so Betty highlights it by saying: Your violin, it’s so tiny!)

Panel 4

Gleeblebloz prostrates themselves before their captors.

Betty: So you decided to take matters into your own hands.

Gleeblebloz: If this gets out, the museum will be ruined. Please, there must be some way to stop you going to the press!

Zeeta: Well, now you mention it...

Panel 5

Betty and Zeeta are now in the museum, fully decked out in the museum uniform. They are answering questions from a person showing them a Polaroid of the very ship tat abducted them.

Zeeta: I assure you, I know every interplanetary craft that’s ever flown, and I’ve never seen anything like this.

Betty: My guess? it’s a domestic vehicle and you were abducted by your own government.

The End